Being a Lysterfield Sailing Club member gives sailors access to a friendly and competitive sailing program on beautiful Lysterfield Lake.
Racing is conducted in accordance with the International Racing Rules of Sailing with special emphasis on friendly competition, fun and member safety.
Joining Fee: There is no joining fee. | Nil |
Family Membership: Adult, Spouse or Partner with children, of the same family, under 18 at the start of the membership year (1st July). | $400 |
Senior: Adult over 18 at the start of the membership year (1st July). | $280 |
Student / Apprentice: Full time Student / Apprentice over 18 but under 25 years at the start of the membership year (1st July). | $115 |
Student / Apprentice: Full time Student / Apprentice over 18 but under 25 at the start of the membership year (1st July) with at least one parent who is a member. | $100 |
Youth Member: Youth under 18 at the start of the membership year (1st July) with at least one parent/responsible adult who is a member. | $10 |
Visitor’s Race Fee: Visiting sailor from another Club having an Australian Sailing number. | $10 |
Associate Member: Non–sailing member desiring to maintain contact with the Club. | $30 |
Annual Fees for the Storage of Members Boats (limited availability – inquire with committee for availability. Members using sotrage must be active and regular sailors) | |
For exclusive use of a container (per boat per year) | $300 |
For Shared “On the Ground” within a container (per boat per year) | $150 |
Use of club boat for weekly racing events: $10 per race or $100 per year |
Your membership entitles you to:-
- Australian Sailing Registration
- Entry in to the Lysterfield Sailing Club annual racing schedule
- Use of club facilities including use of club boats (fair use rules & fees as above apply)
- Racing conducted under the control of a skilled race controller and rescue crew.
- Access to skilled trainers and experienced racers to help set up, sail and race your boat
Please note that all fees are due by the end of September. Please contact the club for payment options.