Get to know a bit more about our members, what they sail and what they are interested in.
What made you choose this particular class of boat?
The Sabre suits my sailing currently.
Have you owned any other boats and what were they?
Early 1950s
I served my apprenticeship making up a three man crew on a V.S. ( A Vaucluse Senior. 5m Centreboard Sloop) on the Derwent up river from Hobart. My job was to keep boat afloat by bailing vigourously with a large fry pan.
Mid 50s
I got myself a job and bought my first boat (a Moth Sail No. 200 ) the previous owner was Peter Attrill. A 56 Olympics sailor.
Late 50s
I built my first boat (a Moth Sail No. 756 ) and was lucky enough to represent Tasmania in Australian Moth class championships at Yarrawonga. We were badly outclassed by mainland Boats.
Early 60s
Moving interstate, family and other interests, kept me away from competitive sailing until recent times, although I kept a small keelboat which I cruised out of Hastings Marina. I had a few years as forrad hand on a Tom Lauren ( 8m keel boat) out of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron and ran week long cruising holidays for groups on Gippsland Lakes utilising 10 metre rental yachts. I sailed the Whitsundays several times.
My more strenuous interest were becoming difficult so I joined Lysterfield sailing club and bought an Impulse ( Sail No. 476) This boat proved a little large for me so I swapped into a Sabre (Sail No. 1222). Then in 2005/2006 I built my dream boat ( Oughtred designed ‘Little Tern’ 4.5 m double ended gaff rigged sloop ( Sail No. 99) I became a volunteer sailor for sailability when it commenced at Lysterfield sailing club in early 2000.
I bought another Sabre (Sail No. 1706).
What got you interested in sailing?
Serving my apprenticeship on the Derwent up river from Hobart.
What do you love about Sailing at Lysterfield?
The club, the conditions at the lake.
How long have you had your Sabre?
Current boat about three years (Sail No. 1706).
When you’re not sailing, what do you like to do with your time?
I make replica models of boats
If you’d like to join Colin Fleming sailing at Lysterfield, we’d love to have you and can cater for any Dinghy up to 16ft and Cat up to 14.5ft. Get in touch if you’d like to be part of it!